Just Be Nice
Political considerations aside, there is something to be said for common human decency and respect. ...
Political considerations aside, there is something to be said for common human decency and respect. ...
Rachel is a real joy to be around. She's smart and thoughtful, and she applies that to her fishing. The kid casts with a true grace, and she sees things on the water....
You Just Gotta Be on the River at the Right Time...
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="373" caption="Baby Ducks Soaked in Sludge by Chevron Oil Leak"][/caption] Our local oil spill disaster luckily won't have a huge impact on the economy and fishing in the Salt Lake City Area. However, the environmental damage could be quite severe and last a...
Every so often, actually more often than not, fly fishing offers you up as a witness to some amazing things. One of these things happened this week as I watched Bryan hook into a pig of a cutthroat trout on a big mouse fly. [caption id="attachment_637"...