[caption id="attachment_466" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Beautiful cutthroat caught on a lake in Utah."][/caption] A New/Old Way to Catch Trout in Lakes - A good friend, new member of Fly Fishing Team USA, and fellow Utah angler, Kurt Finlayson, recently had an article on Loch Style fly fishing...

[caption id="attachment_429" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Big Rainbow Spring 2010"][/caption] Early Summer Fly Fishing in Utah - The Lower Provo River, Middle Provo, Green River, and Weber Rivers are all fishing great. The Mother's Day Caddis are showing on the Weber River and the Cicadas are about a...

Seeing small dry flies can be tricky when fishing a blue winged olive hatch. Here's a fly fishing tip that will help you see your flies in all hatches and all kinds of fishing light....