Wow, look at all this water! That about sums up how our spring and early summer runoff has been. Last winter's near record snow pack has given us a bit of a high-water-headache  over the last few months. However, rivers are finally dropping into shape, and...

Grizzly Saddle Hackle is no longer just for Griffith's Gnats - you're apparently supposed to put it in your hair! [caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Meow!!!...

High Water but Crazy Good Blue Wings Hatching, Fish Taking Notice Ok, so they are forecasting flooding here in the next few weeks. We have too much snow that will turn into too much water; not something you usually hear out West. However, the blue wings...

Utah is having a big snow year. The snow-pack is at over 150% of normal for the state and in the drainages we fish it is even higher. This is more snow than we've seen in years. Heavy snow equates to more water and more food...

Low & Clear Even though I've only seen the trailer, this could already be my favorite fly fishing movie. Can't wait until the release. As a writer, I constantly imagine how I'd frame, present, and detail the better days on the water. In a strange way, and...